It gets funnier every time a person screens his identification in front of a biometric face recognition system. Sometimes the doubt over the reliability of the system gets bigger than the whole purpose of installing the units. While, biometrics facial recognition system and the fingerprint attendance software have been introduced to cut short the attendance time, but the trend shows otherwise. Most users find the units way too futuristic to believe their application can be so true. Sometime, they prefer to log into their attendance chart manually rather than placing the data over the fingerprint attendance software. Hilarious instances can be compared to the experiences of the middle-aged people who try to walk over the moving escalators for the first time.

So why is it that the system has been riddled with so many doubts, myths and healthy concerns? Are any of these troublesome enough to shake the faith a person has over science. Ever since the biometrics made their grand debut in the military installations, they have had a fair share of tantrums. Many anti-science elements relate the increasing number of cancer and tumours to the use of biometrics facial recognition system. Even skin tanning and eye damage are wrongfully linked to the system. From contagious diseases to blatant bloodshed in order to manipulate data has given the biometrics facial recognition system a bad name indeed!!! Let’s bust few of these myths rather provocatively.

1. Eye burns/ Retina damage/ Partial Blindness

Though the biometrics face recognition system uses a sensor and a laser beam to match the face with the existing template, it is hardly of any concern. The low-intensity beam won’t even affect a thin film of paper. The eye is well protected by series of films and aqueous medium. All it would result in a momentary twitching owing to sudden exposure to the laser beam. That’s it! The biometrics facial recognition system never account for any sort of blindness. Only time your eyes will cry is when you fail to register the attendance over the automated system.

2. Shortening of Fingers/ Darkening of Nails

Unless you are made of wax, this phenomenon seems highly unlikely to occur while using the biometrics facial recognition system. The sensor units don’t have a saw blade or teeth that would munch away your precious piece of flesh. The sensors are glass imprint seekers similar to the scanning slabs you see in the printer. When you use the biometrics facial recognition system, all it does is matching your vital statistics and unique features with the existing template. Next time you find your nails darkened, insist on seeing a doctor instead to test vitamin deficiency.

3. Skin Tanning

If this were true, the entire white population would have made a heading to the organizations installed with biometrics facial recognition system. It is not a light source that projects UVB rays. Since the exposure to the panel is less than 10 seconds, the chances of skin tanning is minimal.


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