Nothing is more accurate and genuinely effective in establishing the identity of a person than the modern-day biometrics technology. Biometric face recognition system is a distinct model to identify an individual based on certain facial characteristics and patterns. There are many systems that can capture the facial characteristics to establish the ID of a person. However, Iris Recognition and Retinal scanning technologies are popular modalities of the facial biometric system.
They are similar and different in many ways. Based on the kind of environment and the number of people likely to be screened through the biometric face recognition system; both the models have their own share of impeccable benefits.
Let us do a quick review on both these biometric recognition systems.
Why biometric facial recognition through eyes?
Eyes are the windows to the world. Just like fingerprint technology, the eye scanning technology too has a unique biometric characteristics unique to every individual. They are better than the fingerprint scanning as it involves contactless identification. While retinal scanning is a more advanced and invasive in its operation, iris recognition is a non-invasive and more comforting modal on the biometric list.
The similarities
Iris Recognition and Retinal scanning biometric face recognition system have certain similarities as listed below.
- Non-contact identification consoles
- Two-eye biometric identification
- Highly stable in its application in different environment and time period
- Not much change with age-related or diseases
- No chance of duplication
- Accuracy is 99.997% with zero tolerance
- Easy and manageable data inputs that take less storage space
The differences
Let us dig deeper into the world of biometric face recognition systems by understanding the technologies from close quarters.
Retinal Scanning
- The blood streams and veins lining the thin tissue inside the eyes are laid out uniquely in every person. The sensor captures these vein lines with the retina structure to gauge the identity of the person.
- Even in case of severe debilitating disease affecting the eyes, the Retinal Scanning biometric face recognition system delivers accurate results.
- The retina of a person remains unaltered throughout life, and that’s why new born babies are identified through Retinal Scanning.
- The biometric identification system is done by passing a light beam tracing the retinal area. The retinal imaging is unique for each person owing to the differential thickness of the tissue, veins layout and also the light absorption capacity of the tissue.
- The imaging produced by the light beam traced on the retina is converted into a computer code which is mapped to the system for future reference during identification and access-related activities.

Unlike Retinal scanning, Iris recognition is done by using high-definition camera powered by illuminated IR beams. Iris Recognition is more acceptable and affordable for organizations as it can be more readily integrated with the existing Employee Self Service portals and attendance systems. Moreover, the ID of a person can be established by Iris Recognition done from a vantage point. The person may not have any clue about the biometric recognition system in place, especially important in high-security destination and protected areas like banks, airports, military offices and government units.