The popularity of time & attendance system is really growing by leaps & bounds since they not only facilitate an organization in enhancing the productivity of employees but they also help organizations to monitor the performance of its employees. Be it large-sized enterprise or be it small or medium-sized enterprise, the benefits offered by time & attendance system are numerous. With the help of these efficient systems, now it has become easier for an enterprise to record vacation time, FMLA time, jury duty & compensation time. One of the biggest advantages offered by this system is that, now it has become possible to keep an eye on late comers.

In simple language, now an employer can keep a proper track of his employee’s presence & absence & in accordance to that he can exercise a complete control over his working hours. This system not only helps an employer to measure the productivity of an employee but it also helps him in controlling labor costs by curtailing over-payments. An over-payment is basically an outcome of various kinds of errors including interpretation error, transcription error & intentional error but by installing an effective system related to time & attendance, these kinds of errors may be prevented. This system also ensures a compliance with various different labor regulations which demand for the proof related to the attendance of employees.

Where at one side, large companies might require installing quite a few time clock stations so that all employees can finish with the process of clocking in & out, in less time, on another side, small or medium sized companies can manage with single time clock station. The prices of time & attendance system vary according to the supplier, number of clocking points needed, identification method, etc. There is no doubt that a system related to time & attendance gains upper hand over conventional manual system since it make an organization get rid from irritating paper work.

An automated attendance & time system may feature electronic tags, badges, biometrics, bar code, magnetic-stripe cards, etc. Whatever information is recorded is subsequently transferred to the computer automatically. A computer then do the needed calculations to generate time sheets of employees & on the basis of the same, payment of wages is done. To put it in a nutshell, an automated system decrease the chances of errors which might creep in under the use of manual system. It is no wonder that all kinds of organizations are now finding it worth to invest in an efficient time & attendance system.


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