In today’s world everything is becoming automated. The most important thing which is getting shorter day by day is the availability of time. People have a lot of money to spend but are having shortage of time. In this fast moving world, it is very important to change methods and techniques in order to cope up with the competition. Every organization is nowadays focusing on the use of automated tools to collect the data so that the time can be utilized for focusing on the major issues- core business activities.

Many tools are developed which help you to major the efficiency. It is very difficult to keep a proper track of all the employees in big organization, so in order to keep a track of these tools like time and attendance software is introduced. These are automated software and the work on these software is done with just a click.

The manual methods of marking attendance are no more in practice. Even a small organization has opted for this technique. This system is appreciated and accepted not only by the organization but also by the employee. The scope of manual error and editing is almost vanished. The employee just need to open his system, click online to mark his attendance and the same is saved along with the in and out time.

Now the HR gets all the details online and on the basis of that data HR processes the salary and other perks and the best part is everything is available on the system and is viewable by the HR as well as the employee, so the confusion chances in this are very less.

With the use of these tools the paper work is almost over, the employee can mark attendance online, view their salary slips, they can even apply for leaves online. The old system of writing a leave application on paper and then submitting it to the boss for approval do not exist. Apply for a leave online and same will get approved online only.

Due to the introduction of this software like biometric clock system, cloud computing even the HR is able to focus more on training and development programs for employee like personality development training. Feedback is taken from employee time to time, the same get recorded in the system and the changes are made in the organization on the basis of these feedback. So this is software which brings satisfaction for all the employees and the organization.


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