Technology is advancing & changing the world every day. Some time back, we used to have a camera, a watch & an audio player separately. Now we have only one device which has all these facilities, known as a smartphone. You all must be familiar with it. If not, then surely you’re from the past or not from this world. Mobile technology, apart from providing the calling facility, has changed our life entirely.

After the invention of the internet & the smartphone, this world has advanced at lightning speed. When it comes to management of the corporate sector, mobile technology comes in handy.

Let’s see how a Mobile HR Management Systems helps in everyday life.

Advantages of Mobile HR System

● Accessibility at the fingertips: Mobile devices have brought some complicated functionalities right in our hands. HR Management has seen a great advancement with the integration of services into a mobile-based platform. Mobile apps in HR Systems have brought the power of anytime anywhere access for employees with the transparency of data and managing employees’ data & records at the fingertips for managers.

● Time-Saving: Integration of HR Management services in the mobile app have helped to save a lot of time. Now HR managers & even employees can save a lot of time by eliminating all the hefty paperwork. Personal data, Leaves/Time-off, Attendance & all other HR data can be analyzed through the mobile app.

● Connected Workforce: HRMS withMobile App ensures that the employees are connected with their managers&HR Team all the time. Any requests or queries can be lodged easily. Communication between the management & the employees is facilitated quickly.

● Quick Updating of Details: If there is any change required in the recorded details of an employee, then they can update the information themselves with the help of Mobile app of the HRMS system. There is no need for any paper related work & the data will be saved securely on the server.


Top Functionalities of a Good Mobile HRMS

An HRMS solution, with a mobile platform, should have some functionalities that make it stand out of the competition. Here we are listing some of the features which a Mobile app should possess for better management and employee engagement.

● Attendance Tracking: the Mobile app can be easily integrated with electronic attendance registers. This makes it possible for both the employees & the HR managers to track the attendance & manage the payroll accordingly.

● Employee Self-Service: ESS is one of the most important features of a mobile app for HRMS. Employees should be able to track their own records & cross-check any information related to HR by themselves. They should be able to rectify any attendance errors or submit requests pertaining to leave or tour or any other request to their managers easily. This is facilitated by the ESS feature.

● Leave Management: Gone are the days when paper applications need to be submitted to apply for work leaves. Mobile app must have the feature to help the employee view the available leaves and apply for their leaves right at their fingertips. This will also make sure that the leaves are tracked efficiently by both the HR & the employees.

● Calendar Management: All the calendar activities of the organization can be updated in the HRMS. Employees & the management should be able to know about any upcoming holidays or specific dates like upcoming birthdays & work anniversaries easily.

● Request Management: If any employee wants to make any request to the HR manager, they can submit it easily through the mobile platform. After the request is accepted, the HR manager can fulfill it & mark it completed in the mobile system.

There are many other benefits like easy employee shift management, payroll management, employee directories & announcements which are integrated into a mobile HRMS. To make sure that there is no data breach or downtimes which effect the smooth functioning of the HR process of your organization, always choose a trusted HR solutions provider. Timelabs is focused on making the corporate sector flourish with optimum HR services. Our Mobile HRMS is trusted by many large organizations & we have taken the responsibility to make their HR management hassle-free.


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