The number of students are rising every year. A system that is capable of counting and monitoring their attendance has to be upgraded as well. This takes lots of effort in terms of keeping pace with the sophistication and gathering the most accurate data concerned with attendance, leave and performance management. Student attendance system is currently done using biometrics principle like fingerprinting, voice recording and face recognition systems. Many systems are so swift that they don’t even let the student know that their attendance is continuously marked without their acknowledgment. Modern day schools, colleges and higher-education academic institutions face growing issues of faulty attendance systems owing to bigger batch sizes and increasing number of students arriving year after year. Biometric systems are the best solution to ensure that only the registered students gain access into the institution and only use the premises.

How Student attendance System works? Conventional schools systems still rely on hand-marked attendance registers. They are unreliable as there is a huge risk of proxy marking. It also carries time discrepancy regarding time-in and time-out policies.Fingerprinting using biometrics utilizes the most modern engineering related to the time clocks and fingerprint reader strips. They safely record the student time in and time out and don’t have password issues. The fingerprint template is unique for each student and hence it is registered with the attendance monitoring management.The template carries a PIN code that is encrypted with the student detail and the whole enrollment process takes less than a minute. Each fingerprint panel can accommodate two students at a time.

How the fingerprinting is verified? The student has to enter the PIN code given and push the finger into the sensor panel. The sensor panel verifies the Pin Code against the fingerprint template and registers the time against the name of the student. The student can verify the correct time flashed on the screen of the fingerprint sensor for accuracy. In case a student fails to register the attendance via fingerprinting, the attendance management system marks the student absent which could be followed by a personal manual verification. Since  time sensors are accurate, the follow-up is usually preventive than corrective.

Unregistered access and verification proof Most laboratories and canteen have fingerprinting sensors attached to them. The installation monitors the movement of students who spend more time in recreational activities than in lecture rooms. The areas of access can be limited by installing biometrics system in such places. Most access systems come with a finger plus ID proof verification and authentication. The attendance system is a full-fledged feature that is used in examinations and competitive research programs to limit fraudulent issues. Will it work with perpetual accuracy Biometric systems driving the student attendance system has perennial accuracy. It offers high quality biometric attendance featuring attractive and futuristic concepts in fingerprinting sensors. The software products can be integrated comfortably with the existing model of student attendance systems and also takes away the chances of errors and manual faults.


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