The efficiency of any individual can be directly measured from the number of days he or she has come to the school and the number of hours spent in the lecture sessions. An important aspect to measure academic performance and appraisal largely depends on the term ‘Attendance’. Technology is pushing the Student Performance Information Systems and Attendance Management is a major part of how rating of student at schools, colleges and academic programs are done.

Relation With Fundamentals of Management In terms of management parlance, Attendance systems necessarily comprise of managing the attendance and indicating the present at the designated venue or place to minimise downtime loss. While traditional attendance management systems involve the extensive use of time sheets, clock patterns and tracking using calendars. The hand fed data and markings into attendance log book is still prevalent the surge in technical development and the need to save time, paper and space has led to using attendance management software. Students Attendance System goes a long way in building a healthy and motivating environment where students are inspired to feed their own attendance log sheets online in real time scenario. Competition heats up among the student groups and the idea of using the advanced software decked with interactive graphics makes the arena healthier. Students learn to be punctual and tech savvy very early in life which is a perfect scenario for management houses looking out for such breeds. Salient Features of the System and Benefits Abbreviated as SIS, the software application is used by premier education institutes and training agencies to cope with the student’s data efficiently. It ensures that the test scores and performance assessment sheets are handled with minimum error. Online tracking of student’s presence in the campus in addition to creating awareness about curriculum schedule and organizing trips and conferences spread over the whole academic year. A student will know what to do and chart out the whole plan the moment he or she logs into the Students information System. Analogous to management style Enterprise Resource Planning, Students Attendance system is trustworthy and fully compatible with existing hardware peripherals and logging system. The system used to manage student’s attendance also reflects other additional information. They are mentioned as below-
  1. The SIS highlights FAQ’s regarding the attendance rules and penalties imposed in case the students fail to clock certain percentage of attendance in a month.
  2. The portal may carry inquiries most asked by the students and label them as a debate forum as well to be moderated by school/college authorities.
  3. The students can check if the teachers are available for any particular class and accordingly plan their sessions.
  4. In case, a student has a valid reason for missing out the classroom session, the reason can be marked on the portal stating the cause under medical or personal leave. This would ensure that student is not fined for breach of discipline and will also ensure the safety.
SIS is a strong foundation that helps in managing fee schedules, examination terms and assessing the student’s performance at micro as well as macro level. With advancements in statistical tools and software applications, Attendance system for student is a worthy addition to the Academic management.

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