As competition has really begun intensifying, it has become imperative to possess a concern for productivity of employees because that is directly co-related to the revenues, earned by an organization. Without giving importance to profit motive, it is difficult to thrive in the competition. However, for large-sized organizations, it really becomes difficult to monitor the productivity of workforce on an individual basis. Manual system of monitoring suffers from their own set of limitations and they prove to be ineffective in monitoring when few employees have to work from remote places. In order to solve a few issues related to keeping a track of time and attendance of workforce, there have come up some advanced time attendance software systems in the market, which are competent in catering to the customized requirements of organizations.

Whether an enterprise is large or small, these customized advanced systems prove to be extremely efficient. They not only facilitate organizations in preventing time-theft or buddy punching but they also facilitate in payroll processing by providing accurate information related to working hours, over time, number of leaves taken, etc. Nevertheless, as there are available many excellent time and attendance software systems, it becomes difficult to choose the most effective one. By analyzing few aspects, one can decide that which system will turn out to be the most appropriate. First of all, one should pay attention to security features of the preferred system. Like for an instance, if a system is fingerprint based then the chances of errors nullifies because for punching, an employee has to be present in the workplace premises.

Besides security features, one also needs to pay attention to the accuracy features. It is apparent that if a system would be inefficient in calculating work hour calculations, it would cause drain on the profit earned by business. Thus, a system should also be accurate in calculating overtime, leaves, breaks, etc. Accuracy is equally important as security, for ensuring a reliable Payroll Management System. Beyond any reasonable doubt, efficiency is another crucial factor to consider, before investing in a time and attendance software. Being a conventional system, Paper time sheets lacks reliability and efficiency and customary card punching clocks also lack credibility. If a software is effective in calculating work hours properly, salaries and additional benefits, then only it does make sense in investing in a software system.

There is no point in investing such a software system which is extremely credible, accurate and efficient but is not user-friendly. It means that if workforce will find it difficult to understand the process and they would find it difficult to use the system, then it absolutely makes no sense to install such system. A good system always ensures user friendliness so even those employees who are not highly computer literate, can also use the system with ease. Thus, taking into consideration a fact that whether a chosen system will be able to integrate with the current HR practices and accounting system or no, is very important. Last but not the least; make sure that the software system is competent enough in complying with labor law and tax practices because that’s where lies the maximum scope of committing an error.


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