You may have been accustomed to meeting with your employees face-to-face and providing them with feedback in the past. However, post-COVID-19, we’re in an entirely different era. As the epidemic continued to spread, many leaders and team members were forced to stay away from the workplace at all times.

Earlier, it was simple to organize a lunch or an in-office conference for a regular feedback session. You could establish eye contact and assess the body language of employees. Now, you have to use a phone call or a video chat platform to connect with someone. Even with video, you can’t make eye contact. Even though you can see the other person, there is a significant lack of communication. Subconscious body language such as fidgeting, gestures, or hand motions is invisible.

If you’re a manager, you’re well aware of the need to provide constructive feedback to your employees and the business. To assist you in delivering constructive feedback to your remote workers, we’ve compiled a few recommendations in this blog post.

#1 Seek Feedback as Your Best Option

Make the most of the input you get from individuals who work from home, rather than seeing it as a duty. They will feel more connected to you and less distanced from you and your organization. You must be open and honest with them while listening and providing guidance. Your staff will be more inclined to seek assistance and remain on track for improved performance if you manage the situation effectively.

#2 Increase the Time You Spend on Goals and Priorities Clarification

fAs a part of one-on-one meetings, find out what each team member is focused on, go through their knowledge of their objectives, and assist them in resolving any potential conflicts. Set clear expectations and communicate any additional information from the management staff about what’s crucial this week.

Find out what’s causing delays or challenges, and have an open-minded discussion about how to continue. If their job affects other team members, offer to host a meeting or assist them in devising a better communication strategy with their coworkers.

#3 Observe What Others Do

How can you keep track of your employees’ performance over time? The good news is that it’s possible to do so as part of the feedback system and to use a core HR mobile app. Inquire about their methods of doing their tasks, then provide honest feedback.

For example, if they’re negotiating with international suppliers, inquire about their connection with them, the arrangements they’ve made with them, and how they manage their contractors. Then, you may provide them some feedback based on the evidence they present to you and their overall performance.

#4 Provide a “Chunk” of Feedback That Is Critical but Not Difficult to Implement

Begin the feedback conversation by being honest about how your employee’s current attitude affects the two of you working toward the same goals. Once you’ve given the employee a favorable recommendation for how to implement the change, you should also ask for their suggestions.

#5 Create and Maintain a Sense of Security and Confidence

Being unable to meet your team members in person and not being able to make eye contact or engage in casual chat means that you need to make more regular calls to them to establish and maintain personal relationships. Ask them how they’re doing and if there’s anything you can do to help. Maintain an authentic tone and use examples from your own life. Giving feedback in this manner compensates for the absence of face-to-face interaction.

You may realize that it needs more effort than conversing with team members in the corridor daily, but the trust you establish will pay off.

#6 Ask for Feedback from Your Remote Colleagues regularly

Invest in gathering feedback from your staff and letting them know you appreciate it. Begin by thanking them for their input and recognizing its importance. If you’re stumped on how or why to put their suggestions into action, tell them you need some time to ponder it over and come up with some ideas until the following meeting. Do not give a hasty response that undermines your relationship’s mutual trust.

Don’t allow remote workers to feel “out of the loop.” Send them brief notes regularly and an abundance of encouraging messages.


Remote employment may have a distinct appearance and feel compared to regular office culture. However, you can create a productive remote working environment if you have the correct tools, are clear about expectations, and have a solid strategy in place. You should cultivate a culture that encourages healthy feedback exchanges between you and your workforce via an employee self-service system.


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