TimeLabs specializes in the field of making biometric attendance for your company to ensure regulated workflow management. This type of system is gaining popularity in many of the leading companies around the world. Companies that install this type of management system are moving with technology. On installing this system the company’s manager can get the precise data regarding the attendance of the employees or co-workers.
When humans do the attendance there are chances of human error. This type of system ensures that does not happen. In schools, it may not cause many problems but in companies and offices, if the data is not precise it can create problems while generating paychecks. To get rid of these issues, online employee attendance management system is being introduced.
How Effective Is Online Employee Attendance Management System? This system allows companies to view the attendance data from anywhere, anytime, from any web browser. Now isn’t that convenient? Suppose the manager is on a business trip and on that trip the manager can check the attendance of the employees by signing in to the site of the biometric attendance system.
TimeLabs offers the latest and advanced technology in the market. Instead of using cards and other ways to check-in, this system takes in fingerprints. It barely takes more than a second or two to complete the process. The work is done. With that, a lot of time is saved as well.
The managers know how much of HR time is spent each month reconciling and collecting data regarding the attendance of the workers. Hence, this is the perfect device to get that work done.
What Makes Us Different? There are probably tons of biometric attendance system installation companies in the country, no doubt, but why most of the companies chose TimeLabs as their partner for this purpose? Many of us have probably heard of these companies and institutions. They have installed these machines and have a full fledge working online employee attendance management system that is proving to be very effective. This is what separates us from the rest. Why Choose Us? There are many reasons to choose us. Here are a few of them mentioned. • Web-based software that allows access from anyplace, anytime. • Comprehensive timesheets can be implemented easily and quickly. • Calculation of payroll can be done easily. • It is capable of defining multiple time, shift, week and overtime rules. • Management of holidays and weekly off’s easily and accurately. These are only some of the reasons to choose TimeLabs to be the host of your company’s attendance system. You can visit us online to explore our range of products.