You put in hours refining your CV to make sure it presents your experience and abilities in the best possible way. After all, your CV is your most valuable tool when looking for a job. Even for positions you know you’re qualified for, you’re still not receiving enough interviews despite all of your hard work. Why not? You may be surprised to learn that, once you submit it, a computer receives your resume rather than a human. You can pretty much guarantee that your CV will never be seen by an actual human! This is because an increasing number of companies are screening resumes through applicant tracking systems (ATS).

What is an ATS?

Both companies and job seekers may find the hiring process to be a long and annoying procedure. An Applicant Tracking System (ATS) is a software used by employers to streamline the recruitment process. It’s a software program made to look for specific keywords in resumes and filter out those that don’t fit for the job description.

How applicant tracking systems work?

Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are designed to manage the entire recruitment workflow, from posting job openings to selecting and hiring candidates. Here’s an overview of how Applicant Tracking Systems work:
  1. Job Posting

Employers create job postings with details about the position, qualifications, responsibilities, and other relevant information. These job postings are often distributed across various job boards, company websites, and social media platforms.
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  1. Resume Parsing

When candidates apply for a job, they submit their resumes and other application materials. The ATS uses a process called resume parsing to extract relevant information from resumes and other documents. This includes details such as work experience, education, skills, and contact information.
  1. Database Management

The parsed information is then stored in a database, making it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to search and filter candidates based on specific criteria. This database may also include information about previous applicants and their interactions with the company.
  1. Application Review and Ranking

Recruiters and hiring managers can review applications within the ATS interface, which often includes tools for rating and commenting on candidates. Some ATS use algorithms to automatically rank candidates based on how well their qualifications match the job requirements.
  1. Communication and Collaboration

ATS facilitates communication among team members involved in the hiring process. This may include sending automated emails to applicants, scheduling interviews, and sharing feedback within the system.
  1. Interview Management

Some ATS offer features for scheduling and managing interviews. This may include integrating with calendar applications, sending interview invitations, and tracking interview outcomes.
  1. Applicant Tracking

The system tracks the status of each applicant throughout the hiring process, from initial application to final hiring decision. This helps recruiters stay organized and ensures that no candidate falls through the cracks.
  1. Compliance and Reporting

ATS may include features to help employers comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This includes tracking diversity metrics, storing necessary documentation, and generating reports on hiring activity.
  1. Integration with HR Systems

ATS often integrates with other Human Resources (HR) systems or HR software, such as payroll and onboarding systems, to ensure a smooth transition from the hiring process to employee onboarding.
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  1. Continuous Improvement

Some ATS provide analytics and reporting features that help organizations assess and improve their recruitment processes over time. This may involve analyzing data on time-to-fill, source effectiveness, and other key performance indicators.  

Some Key Features of ATS

Here are key features commonly found in applicant tracking systems:
  • Candidate Assessment:

Provides tools for evaluating and scoring candidates, often allowing recruiters to input feedback and ratings.
  • Integration with Career Sites:

Integrates with the company’s career page or website, ensuring that job listings are up-to-date and providing a seamless application experience for candidates.
  • Reporting and Analytics:

Generates reports on key metrics such as time-to-fill, source effectiveness, diversity statistics, and overall recruitment performance.
  • Mobile Accessibility:

Allows users to access the system and perform essential tasks on mobile devices, catering to the needs of recruiters who may be on the go.
  • Customization and Configurability:

Provides flexibility to customize the system to match the specific workflow and requirements of the organization..
  • Scalability:

Accommodates the organization’s growth by scaling to handle an increasing volume of job openings, applications, and users.

Final Words

By automating and organizing various aspects of the hiring process, Applicant Tracking Systems aim to make recruitment more efficient and effective for employers and recruiters. However, it’s important to note that while ATS can be valuable tools, they are not without challenges, such as potential biases and the need for ongoing system optimization.

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