With the development of technology, everything today is becoming automated and less of manual intervention is preferred. Even the companies which have hundred plus employees opt for well known technology i.e. bio metric time and attendance software to keep a tab on the entry and exit of their employees.

There is no doubt that this software makes work easier for both the employees and the HR but there by it adds some extra cost as well to the company.

The initial installation cost for this software is bit high and then the regular maintenance charges are also there. Every option related to employees and HR interaction is available on line and so the interaction between the employees decrease as they put their leaves, requests and applications online and the same gets accepted or rejected there only. So this decreases social and professional interaction between people in the office. This lack of interaction is OK if the business has most of online employees but if it is a land based office, the software in fact kills mutual interaction that can cause lack of communication and misunderstanding between the office and the employee.

But this software has in fact made things easier in several ways. The old form of marking attendance in the registers and then HR dept making an entry of the same and then preparing the salaries was very time consuming task but with the use of this technology everything is just a click away. However, there were larger scope for mistakes and issues later on but the process had increased daily interaction with the HR and among the staff as well. All gather at the register counter where they need to sign and mark their entry and exit time.

Introduction of Biometric Time & Attendance Software has made the work of HR easier as everything gets recorded on individual basis and this software does provide the option to calculate salaries. Now the HR is able to focus more on important issues such as training and learning and over all development of employees. Thus where the interaction time is thought to be less, the HR department has in fact more time to dedicate to the employees. This provides satisfaction to both the company and the employees as no manual intervention is there. There is more accuracy in the data and the best part is that everything is recorded the way it is mentioned. Furthermore, there is less paper work, so less pains to manage these. As everything is automatic less staff is required instead of appointing a team, one or two persons can manage the salary and day to day issues and a senior manager for the complaints and grievance handling. In all, opting for a such a technology that has eased the work and has made it quick is good from a professional point of view but this has somewhere decreased interaction in the office and as well as interaction among the employees. But overall, this software has in fact given more to HR to think of some new ways of boosting employee participation.


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