As the world is recovering from the pandemic gradually, organizations have become perceptive in realizing the challenges ahead and know why it’s necessary to provide a safer work environment to their people. Employees’ well-being has always been a priority, but now it’s about creating a workplace that makes an impact. It’s essential to address the role of human resource software in making things easy. The work-from-home setting has its challenges; attendance management is one. Besides, payroll calculations of the existing employees, new joiners, and contractual employees take time. Here comes the role of technology in defining business success. If you were using feature-loaded HRMS software, it could have been easy for the HR team to manage employee records. However, it may have been a challenge for those who are still following old HR practices. Another challenge that we could see is transitioning back to work. After a year of dealing with the crisis, most employees have adjusted to the new normal of working from home. Considering the present scenario as offices are opening doors, it is nothing less than a challenge to offer a similar workplace environment; as it was before the pandemic. For organizations that believe in putting people first, they would go to lengths to ensure that their workforce is safe and happy. Employees would expect leniency in terms of working hours and workload capacity, along with provisions for health benefit programs. We must accept that the pandemic has impacted our physical and mental health, and it’s time that business leaders go their way out to ensure their people stay in the pink of health. Let’s learn about how you can build a people’s strategy to deal with the challenges of the post-COVID world.

Put Safety First

As your employees return to work with doubts and apprehensions, you must take no time to make them feel comfortable. Do everything that assures them of a safe workplace. It could be taking stern safety measures, including social distancing and minimum paperwork. However, one must go above and beyond to ensure that people’s physical and mental health needs are met. Consider settling down, then make progress as you go along. You can also share the Employee Self-Declaration Form with the employees to ensure the safety of other employees at the workplace.

Make an Impact

While post-COVID recovery may take time, business leaders can reflect on what worked in the past and the way forward. It’s time to create an impact that talks about your integrity and ethical business practices. Introduce yoga sessions, creative activities, and team-building exercises. If you think it’s too early to think on those lines, you can simply reach out to your team and understand their doubts and grievances. It can help them bond better as they may have missed talking to a colleague or having lunch with teammates. Another best thing you can do is initiate a dialogue with psychiatrists to develop a plan in accord with the needs of your employees. As we are still coping with the crisis, people can still be anxious about joining offices. The crux lies in integrating people’s well-being and organizational needs so it can lead to good results. Remember, a happy workplace is a productive workplace.

Address Financial Concerns

Your employees have been impacted by the pandemic as much as you did. So, if they approach you to discuss their financial concerns, don’t be surprised. Instead, offer them a way out of their financial worries and share a plan that could benefit both parties. It’s not a hidden fact that the COVID crisis has made people lose their jobs or they had to take a pay cut. You can introduce hourly-basis pay for the work done within a period daily. If your workforce has managed to stick with you through thick and thin, it’s your moral obligation to listen to them and come up with your plan. It can assure your employees of financial stability in the future. And, if you are envisioning a successful post-COVID inning, it’s your workforce that can help you achieve it.


It’s a tough call whether you should allow your workforce to join the office or give liberty to a few teams to work remotely. It’s also about managing costs; since your business is gradually picking up pace, you can re-visit your plan and do what’s best for your employees and organization. Ask your purpose of considering the shift and how well you can utilize the potential of your people. If you think your IT team can contribute better while working from the office, take a call. However, if you think they are best suited for a remote job for the time being, then work that out.

Prioritize HR Functions Above Others

HR is the first point of contact for employees. During the pandemic, the HR department has played a crucial role in managing the workforce and ensuring that processes remain undisturbed. It’s time that they feel relaxed. To ease their day, you can invest in reliable HRMS software, which is easy to use and bring efficiency into the system. It takes little things to make an impact. Promote digital onboarding, document subdivisions, signs, and other important tasks. From an employee’s perspective, sit with your HR team to design a welfare program for your employees. Think about alleviating their stress levels as the first few days at work could be challenging for them. If your employees have exceptionally performed despite the pandemic challenges, it’s time to appreciate their efforts and reward them. You can also introduce flexible working hours and other employee-friendly schemes to offer them added benefits.

The Final Word

When will the pandemic end? Well, it’s uncertain and everyone including the medical fraternity is clueless about it. While we wait for things to get back to normal completely, you can facilitate your workforce to play their role and contribute to work with the same passion and enthusiasm as they did before the pandemic. Get a relevant business solution and put it into practice before it gets too difficult and unlikely to implement. Give your efforts a definite direction and think on the lines of improving productivity and maximizing employee contribution. Plan it with a comprehensive HR automation program that fits your organization’s needs to make it best work with your people. That’s how you will have a competent people’s strategy to work for you in the post-COVID phase.

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