As the HR department grows, the tasks and responsibilities increase, bringing forth the need for smart HR software. Human resource management delivers some of the important tasks in an organization. Therefore, it is essential that the HR tasks are managed well and can be tracked proficiently. HR payroll software does the needful as you can manage salaries, employee records, grievances, etc.  Let us look at some of the key features that the HR software should have to make things easy for the HR team. Performance Management Effective training leads to better productivity. When it is time to upgrade skills, employees walk the extra mile. With the right HR software, performance evaluations become easy. HR can effectively evaluate the performance and ensure that the employees enhance their skills. Performance management, being a crucial part of the HR system, needs attention, and HR must invest in the HR software that makes their job easy. Online learning platform  There is already heavy demand for online learning courses in the learning and development department. Employees want to upskill their capabilities and require a smart platform to enhance their learning curve. Many HR software offers enterprise online learning options. It means there is more flexibility in terms of content that you can store in the system. To make it engaging, you can create quizzes and courses. Make sure you have the bandwidth to cater to the growing users in the platform. Beneficial to administration As the organization grows, HR needs administration-complaint HR software. Look for the benefits administration feature while choosing the software: it should ease out the administrative tasks for the HR team. Besides, it should help employees to register for certain benefits via an automated enrollment process. This way, there is no burden on the HR to solve complex tasks. Look for the features that include managing payroll and retirement benefits so that your employees feel valued. Applicant Tracking As an HR, you want the best of talent to contribute to your organization. Since you go to lengths to ensure that you have the best candidates for the job, the applicant tracking tools let you track the candidate’s journey right from the beginning until his or her last day. With that said, you must know the essential features of your HR software – is the AT tool needs to be a part of the software, or you need another system software to manage the growing number of users.  eLearning authoring To enhance the learning curve, you can either create the content on your own using the authoring tools or hire an expert to develop courses. Now the point arises how to deliver the training. Does your software support the online training feature or, you need some customization? Decide if the software will be installed locally or if you’re looking at a cloud-based management service, making it available through the web. HRMS systems If you’re consulting a leading HR software vendor, you may be in for some pleasant surprise. The software may come with added features, such as running payroll, setting performance goals, posting multiple job openings, etc. The requirement depends on the organizational needs and the allotted budget for the HR software. Shift planning To manage multiple shifts of employees, you need scheduling and shift planning features in HR software. It depends on you if you want to integrate a solution with your HR payroll software or you need dedicated apps to do the job for you. You can look for a solution that is cost-effective and can manage a large number of shift requests. In 2021, the need for HR software would grow to a great extent, owing to the pandemic situation. You can invest in Timelabs, a dedicated HR Payroll software that offers added features to manage HR administrative tasks efficiently.    

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