Self-service has become one of the quintessential elements in every aspect of life today. Right from online banking to online reservations, everything is operated in a self-service mode. Therefore, it is not a surprise that even employee self-service portal has become a vital part of workplace today. In fact, according to a recent study, majority of the companies have adopted this portal because increasing numbers of organizations are realizing the benefits of the system. It not only delivers efficient and accurate results, but also offers an acceptable return on investment.

employee self service portal

Beneficial For Both Parties:

The use of the self-service portal not only benefits the organization, but also the employees to a tremendous extent. Here are some of the benefits of the system.

1    Access to the HR- One of the primary benefits of the system is providing basic access to the HR services on demand. The flexible accessibility not only promotes efficiency, but also enhances the overall experience of the users. This is because it comes with several value added features

2    Fast response times- Right from leave requests, submission of enquiries, payroll questions, to shift bids several things can be made electronically within a short time. These can then be left to the HR system so that they are either responded automatically or forwarded to the designated resource for prompt approval. It is true that some of these features are available in more advanced employee self service portal, yet it can easily eliminate the need for manual data entry and create faster replies than paper based system on a person-to person basis.

3    Reducing the burden of HR- Following the implementation of ESS portal, most organizations have witnessed a reduction of the amount of time spent in the overall administration tasks. The transactional workload associated with the HR is declined, and it does not affect the employee workload with the use of ESS tools.

4    Improving the quality of data- The ESS is one of the best and the most effective ways of maintaining accuracy in the flow of data. Moreover, data maintenance is also not a big hassle in this context. Each employee is responsible for maintaining the accuracy of data within the system. Thus, the question of fraudulence does not come into practice.

5    Cost reduction- Majority of the HR services are conducted electronically. This means a great way towards a paperless office. This in turn also results in reduced need for resources so that it results in lower costs. Higher level of productivity can be obtained with reduced costs, and it can even lead to measurable time savings.

Therefore, as a whole, it can be said that the technology of employee self-service portal is at the verge of success for many organizations. At the same time, it is also true that several improvements should be facilitated into the system, which is just at its nascent stage. Hence, organizations should be looking into the future of the systems, as well. It is clear that these systems are moving into the arena of broader human capital management.  These benefits make it a necessity in every organization.


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