Time and Attendance software has come up as a great help for small as well as large scale businesses. This software helps the managers to keep an automated record of the attendance of their staff. The task otherwise done manually requires a lot of labor and strict supervision. The organization where the reporting and exit time of staff is not same, the effort of maintaining their attendance logs turns out to be more cumbersome. The web based attendance system saves a lot of labor and also is much more accurate when it comes to calculating salaries.

Time and Attendance software has many advantages, like:

Time Management: This software helps to track the employee through various devices like fingerprints, face recognition. These clocks help to curb the time thefts also as the exact time when employee enters is recorded and total working hours are computed.

Cloud Based Software: This software is cloud based which means that no additional hardware is required to manage it. It provides quick access also and the HR executives, management and other related officers can access it from anywhere. There is no hassle of installing additional software or hardware that makes it easy to use.

Upgrades are free: The up gradation of this software is also not difficult and it can easily be upgraded through web. The cost is not much.

Easy to Install: The software is easy to install and no technical assistance is required for the same. It takes just few steps to get installed.

Automated data Processing: The software is built in such a way that it processes the data automatically and working hours are computed easily. This saves time and is error free too.

Cheating is not possible: As this software records the attendance through fingerprints and face recognition technique, the employees cannot fake it. Manual attendance and other techniques like punching cards may be used by the same person twice but this software kills all such scope.

Suitable for small and large scale companies both: This software can be used by both small and large scale industries. It is designed in such a way that it suits all types of businesses.

Payroll Integration: It is also efficient in calculating the monthly salaries of employees. This software helps in accurate calculation of salaries and also reduces the time that manual calculation would otherwise have taken.

Affordable Price: Time and Attendance software is not very expensive and when looked at the advantages it provides the cost is negligible. The cost incurred on recruiting of supervisors and additional staff for the calculation of salaries and employees attendance is reduced due to this software.

A Complete Business Solution: It is an integrated business solution which keeps a track of everything like time, attendance, salaries of the office staff and that too in a simple way which requires no technical expertise.

Once installed this software would help in the easy and smooth running of the business thus ensuring high productivity.


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