It is said that necessity is the mother of invention and rightly so as earlier times, which witnessed the attendance of all the employees being managed on paper or registers, had many flaws to encounter in the sense that many a times maintaining these cumbersome records proved to be difficult for the HR department. Human errors in calculating the attendance, leave, overtime, coming late used to happen.
This in turn, would bring errors in calculating the payroll which could create a nasty and conflicting situation between the employer and the employees, sometimes leading to a legal case. With the advancement in technology and emergence of thought provoking ideas, many such issues have been resolved with the solutions that are simple and handy, giving immense relief to those who are managing the attendance records by reducing their administrative and paperwork.
Employee Attendance Management System is an automated attendance marking system that records and maintains the attendance of the employees of the organization. It is the simplest and the most effective way of controlling costs and saving time. This software being web based, can be accessed anywhere anytime. It integrates with different biometric devices.
Biometric Devices have revolutionized the attendance marking system, liberating the HR officials and giving 100% error free records. Biometric Attendance Machine establishes the identity of an employee by authenticating some unique physiological characteristics like a fingerprint which does not let anyone else acquire the identity of that particular worker, thus making it a fool proof method of marking the attendance. These devices are easy to install. They are low-priced, fast and reliable.
Such systems or software must include Employee Self Service module which let the workers to update their records, thus saving on time and providing more accuracy to their personal data. They also aid HR managers, giving them time to focus on other important matters. The software also must manage leave records of the employees with Leave Management module which should define the leave rules as per the company policy including types of leaves granted and provisions of adjustment and encasement of leaves.
We at Timelabs, feel that simple solutions can solve complex problems. That is why we designed this software which manages employee attendance in the simplistic and efficient way. It saves time and energy and also lifts a heavy burden of guilt that the HR department official may feel if some errors are found in maintaining the attendance records of the employees of a company.
Our software takes into account all your concerns and issues regarding not only the employees attendance issues but also the ones which are directly affected like payroll system. Not only this, our software also caters for the Attendance Requirements of public and private schools. It includes maintenance of leave and absentee record of the Students. This reduces school’s administrative work along with providing information to the parents of their child’s whereabouts.