Many millennial and Gen Z workers are using the video-sharing platform TikTok to vent their dissatisfaction with their jobs and to announce their intention to leave their positions quietly. They’re still employed, getting paid, and receiving benefits, but they’re rigorous about following procedures and sticking to timeframes. Some senior professionals have speculated that this is due to a lack of motivation. Many Generation Z members claim they are meeting their work-life balance obligations solely by fulfilling their contractual obligations.

Quiet Quitting Trend

As a new workplace fad, “Quiet Quitting” is taking off on TikTok, with employees worldwide trying to draw distinct lines between their professional and personal lives to lessen their stress levels and escape the hype surrounding the hustle culture. Over 3.9 million videos have been viewed on TikTok, indicating that this trend is gaining traction and encouraging millions of individuals to set clear boundaries between their professional and personal lives.

Videos supporting “Quiet Quitting” feature working people from various fields discussing their struggles to strike a work-life balance and their decisions to ignore obligations outside the scope of their jobs. A popular TikTok celebrity and career counselor argues that individuals won’t go far beyond if they have to sacrifice their mental or physical health for their jobs.

Quiet Quitting Response

The vast majority of social media users are giving their approval to this new trend started by members of Generation Z. The videos include professionals reflecting on themes like finishing work on time and turning off their laptops to spend more time with their families. In the eyes of many, working quietly is the same as quitting. A social influencer tries to describe it more precisely, defining quiet quitting as denying or avoiding executing responsibilities outside of one’s contract.

But people’s reactions to the fad were more nuanced than merely enthusiastic. Those who disagree with the current trend label it a “recipe for disaster.” While others may not agree with the trend’s moniker, they do not discount its significance. “Careful coasting” is what they hope to label it as.

Ways to Prevent “Quiet Quitting”

  1. Facilitate a Good Work-life Balance

Employees are more invested and content in their work when they can strike a healthy balance between their work and personal lives. Ensure that your staff may take time off for vacation, distress, or other reasons. If you can avoid it, try not to pack their week with many long night meetings.

  1. Give Your Employees a Sense of Worth

When workers believe their efforts are recognized and appreciated, they are more apt to be enthusiastic about their jobs and committed to their employers’ success. Giving employees both positive and negative feedback is essential for keeping them engaged and inspired in their work. It’s also important to recognize the efforts of your staff members. However, doing it works best for them, whether in public or private.

  1. Keep Your Team’s Workload Manageable

Overworked professionals are more inclined to experience burnout, stress, and dissatisfaction at work. You shouldn’t put too much emphasis on overtime work or unreasonable deadlines and expect good results. You’ll simply end up with extra work and stress if you overburden your employees.

  1. Communicate With Your Team

If you want to know what it’s like to be employed by your company, ask the people who do the work. As a result, you should pay attention to employee engagement practices, see what the workforce has to say, and consider their feedback. This will show them how much you appreciate their opinions and suggestions and allow you to make the required changes to the company culture.

  1. Be Flexible

Employees are grateful to organizations that are adaptable and can meet their needs. Being accommodating to employees‘ requests, such as enabling them to work from home, setting their own hours, or delegating some of their duties, can go a long way toward ensuring their satisfaction at work.

  1. Make Ways for Growth to Happen

It’s more probable that employees will be dissatisfied and disconnected with their work if they feel locked in a dead-end position. This can be avoided by providing individuals with professional development and promotion avenues. A wonderful example would be regularly offering challenging assignments and new tasks to learn and grow.


“Quiet Quitting” encourages employees to put up their utmost effort without burning themselves out. Management can do its part to keep things running smoothly without jeopardizing workers’ emotional and physical well-being.


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