What is Biometric Attendance Software and Why Your Business Needs It

Biometric attendance software relies on multispectral imaging. These are the most effective sensors in biometric technology. They will accurately scan fingerprints. They check beyond the layers of grease, dirt, sweat, and moisture. Different wavelengths of light supposedly improve the quality of the information captured. The surface and subsurface data of the biometrics are stored in the system. The imaging system creates a digital imaging array. The Biometric data is then stored as a computer algorithm. You can’t retrieve the fingerprints from the system. This increases security.

This software is often used alone or with additional input methods. You’ll add input methods to further increase security. This includes the addition of the subsequent options:

PIN entry Key fobs ID badges Swipe cards

Biometric attendance software is a secure system for monitoring time and attendance. Better of all, you’ve got multiple options for installing a biometric scanner. You’ll choose between different attendance software that offers biometric technology.

Biometric Attendance software

Reduction in Time Theft

Time theft can eat up to 5 percent of a company’s payroll costs and with other attendance systems; it’s hard to stop these losses. Employees can take the help of coworkers to clock in early from their phone or another computer terminal to go away a couple of minutes earlier. While these sorts of time theft seem innocuous, they add up quickly and may cost companies thousands to millions annually.

This software eliminates buddy punching and time theft by requiring each employee to be at their specified worksite to clock in. Nobody can steal or fake biometrics with specific terminals to punch in and out. There is no chance of leaving early. Biometric attendance software is one of the simplest ways to eliminate time theft in your organization.

Ensure Attendance

One of the latest timekeeping devices allows employees to punch in from their smartphones or computers. While this looks like an excellent idea, requiring no additional technology to implement these sorts of attendance systems are a lightning rod for non-compliance. Employees find themselves clocking in from the parking zone or clocking out long after they leave. To make sure employee attendance at their job site, biometrics is the way to go.

Less Time Spent During Payroll

Even the most efficient employees have their lapses. Traditional clocks in systems are forgettable, particularly when using the pc or phone throughout the day. Biometric attendance software stands aside from other modes of timekeeping. Employees need to be at a separate terminal and use their biometrics to record time; it makes attendance more memorable to employees and reduces the quantity of “missed” punches. Since this software right away records and logs, managers can quickly identify missed punches and fix time-related issues before it’s forwarded to payroll. Biometric attendance software reduces missed punches and allows corrections before payroll is involved.

Few organisations still use badges and cards to record time and attendance. While this is often an excellent idea in theory, in practice cards are lost, badges are misplaced, and HR spends longer reissuing timekeeping devices than actually using the system. With each lost badge, not only does the business lose money and time but also security could also be in danger.

If the badge is lost, employers also lose time over recording employee’s time manually. With biometric attendance software, there’s nothing to worry about losing. Employers won’t get to reset door codes or inactivate cards.

Biometric attendance software is a good way for employers to reduce time theft, and spend less time and money maintaining their timekeeping system with productive attendance. You can check TimeLabs for biometric attendance software.



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